Good management practice
Each factsheet or guide below highlights an area where adopting good management practices can have a positive effect on water quality. If you'd like more information on any of these areas, please contact one of our Land Sustainability Officers for some free, one-on-one advice.
Please email us on if you have questions and for current advice
Guides to support good farm practices
- A guide to catch and cover crops.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)
- A guide to constructed wetlands.pdf (PDF, 3MB)
- A guide to creating a farm woodlot.pdf (PDF, 1.2MB)
- A guide to dead stock disposal.pdf (PDF, 1.8MB)
- A guide to erosion control for water quality improvement.pdf (PDF, 707.9KB)
- A guide to farm lane and culvert design and management.pdf (PDF, 1MB)
- A guide to farm tracks and stream crossing design and management.pdf (PDF, 2.1MB)
- A guide to farming on flood prone land.pdf (PDF, 976KB)
- A guide to improving fish access through culverts.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)
- A guide to managing silage leachate.pdf (PDF, 2.4MB)
- A guide to planting for bees.pdf (PDF, 1.5MB)
- A guide to plugging the leaks to waterways.pdf (PDF, 2MB)
- A guide to reducing contaminants entering tile drains.pdf (PDF, 2MB)
- A guide to riparian planting options and costs.pdf (PDF, 1.6MB)
- A guide to sediment trap construction.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)
- A guide to shelter planting and costs.pdf (PDF, 8.1MB)
- A guide to soil health and visual soil assessment.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)
- A guide to stockholding areas, feedlots and feed pads.pdf (PDF, 2.1MB)
- A guide to the benefits of natural wetlands.pdf (PDF, 1.6MB)
- A guide to the benefits of planting willows.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)
Case Study - Stop your farm going down the drain
Excluding stock from waterbodies
Factsheet - Excluding stock from waterbodies
Riparian management
Factsheet - Creating Riparian Zones
Factsheet - Design and Cost of Fencing
Factsheet - Identifying weeds in riparian zones
Factsheet - Maintaining Riparian Zones
Factsheet - Pest Animals in Riparian Zones
Factsheet - Riparian Plants for Southland
Factsheet - Techniques for weed control
Nutrient management
Factsheet - Nutrient Management
Factsheet - Artificial drainage
Factsheet - Deep drainage of nitrogen
Factsheet - General good management practices - Applies to all physiographic zones
Factsheet - Lateral and deep drainage
Factsheet - Overland flow
Case Study - Stop your nutrients going underground
Managing full effluent ponds and irrigation
Full effluent ponds and irrigation
Winter grazing
Factsheet - Intensive Winter Grazing
Factsheet - Critical Source Areas
Factsheet - Feedpads
Factsheet - Pasture-based wintering
Factsheet - Sacrifice paddocks
Our website now features a cultivation and intensive winter grazing mapping tool; a checklist to see whether resource consent is required; and an online resource consent application process. Find all of these forms and tools here.
Check out our advice for the upcoming cultivation season here
Factsheet - Cultivation
Factsheet - Historic Heritage on Farms
Check out the Job's for Nature projects including how you can apply for funding to enhance your biodiversity on your property. Find out more here.